There is frantic movement to use women to safeguard a corrupt system. Women are being misled to positions of phony power, against their intuitions. The establishment is fearful of women becoming honest and speaking their truth. The "me too" movement exposed the failing (and brutally false) legal system. Honesty, coming from women, is a threat to the elite. The same monetary system that allowed an unjust legal system to exclude women from being "persons" ('women are persons,' see fifty dollar bill) is now providing them unusual lip-service and public patronage. Sadly, a number of women are now being bought to sell lies to the public. The pyramidal power of the deceptive system has not changed. Money still misleads the aloof (and controlling) political class - protecting the most wealthy and those at the top.
"Then the angel said to me: 'why are you so astonished? I will explain to you the mystery of the woman and of the beast she rides...' (my italics, Revelation 17:7 NIV).