Thursday, January 19, 2017

Friday, December 23, 2016

Monetary Energy

You can feel it when you walk into a bank. You can feel it traffic, especially around this time of year. Monetary control and energy divide people. This energy outcasts people too. In British Columbia, there is a fentanyl crisis and there has been an increasing number of deaths. The excessively rich have long had an advantage over others and they continue to. Desire for financial success encourages many to sell drugs. Contributionalist philosophy alternatively enables prosperity where no money is needed.



Contributionalist philosophy in Brazil...

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

The Pyramid Scheme


Under scrutiny, it's unhidden on the U.S. dollar; the monetary system is a pyramid scheme that should be deemed illegal. It benefits those who are at the top, on the backs of others. So bankers, agencies, government and controlling people love it - but the masses and common people are repeatedly exploited and they're becoming more aware of it. They're becoming less tolerant about such brutal inequality. Ever wonder why the working poor aren't given relief from taxes? Clearly, it's an oppressive system that politicians serve - they do not serve the people. Increasingly, people are speaking out about this systemizing scam that permits disproportionate advantages to the wealthy. The rich and poor gap is so pronounced and obvious... and this harsh and manipulative inequality should not be forced on humankind.

Friday, October 14, 2016



Hiding our eyes from the disadvantaged will do nothing. Instead, we can start to speak out more and expose lies.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Math Matters

Monetary reality. We actually live with the same system that did this... math matters more than human beings. (See Finance and Racism).

Friday, October 7, 2016

World Problems?

We need to look at confronting the monetary system, before we think we are able to confront world problems. Last post, I started to expose a deeper, underlying, justification for racism. This type of inhumane misjudgment (even legalization) of horrific inequality is actually monetarily based (Finance and Racism). The media appears to celebrate diversity, yet it does not seem willing to talk about racism as being something more than an issue of skin colour. But racism is a problem that is not first "about colour." The root of racism - as with all evil, is connected with money.
  Our system of money enables wrong people to be in power (and even allows them to come into "ministerial" power) who lack empathy, real consideration for others, and actual experience of being underprivileged. Such privileged programmers and prescribers should not be in positions of authourity (see To the point, then, our system of money allows for incredibly out of touch people to come to power who shouldn't be there.
   It's no surprise, as a result, that such privileged and out of touch leaders have little hesitation about going to war and dropping bombs on others. Humanity, in it's entirety, is not a concern if you serve money and a system - rather than people.