Thursday, August 13, 2020

Politicians and Policing

Aside from the ongoing news about the virus, there seems to always be controversy surrounding politicians (for example, Trudeau and Morneau and the "WE" scandal) and policing (brutality and racism leading to calls to "defund the police"). 

1. Abolish oaths to the monarchy - the monarchy should not be placed above God, and Jesus clearly states " not swear an oath at all..." (Matthew 5:34 NIV). Also, why doesn't the monarchy have Prince Andrew held to account for his bad behavior and ties to criminals?
2. Abolish the corruption in the Roman Catholic Church. Such an abusive organization should be held to account.
3. Remove all "colonial" statues that protestors seem to want to vandalize or tear down themselves. The Bible says: "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image..." (Exodus 20:4 KJV).
4. Have a NATIONAL HOUSING system.
5. Have a direct democracy. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

'Let's Talk'

These videos are worth watching. Those who are vulnerable and others can be misled by "experts." Those who are in need can be mistreated. Let's see these issues without the persuading back to big pharma. Let's not assume to call these issues a "mental health issue" when it could really be another issue (a lack of vigorous exercise, housing, spiritual, financial, etc.). #TheNeoPriestsAndBigPharma #BellLetsTalk

Sunday, May 19, 2019

'Gouge & Get Away'

Big Money: gouge people, and it appears there's not much to stop it. #profiteering #debt #BigBanking #Inflation #Usuary #BigPharma #Government #Ministry #BigMoney #BigCommunications @BCHydro @SaskPower #SmartMeter #serveillance

Sunday, February 3, 2019


This system of money is more about exploiting the vulnerable, than it is about helping them.  

#ForcedVaccineScandal  #Profiteering 

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Media Mastery and A Male-feminist Manifesto

There is frantic movement to use women to safeguard a corrupt system. Women are being misled to positions of phony power, against their intuitions. The establishment is fearful of women becoming honest and speaking their truth. The "me too" movement exposed the failing (and brutally false) legal system. Honesty, coming from women, is a threat to the elite. The same monetary system that allowed an unjust legal system to exclude women from being "persons" ('women are persons,' see fifty dollar bill) is now providing them unusual lip-service and public patronage. Sadly, a number of women are now being bought to sell lies to the public. The pyramidal power of the deceptive system has not changed. Money still misleads the aloof (and controlling) political class - protecting the most wealthy and those at the top.

"Then the angel said to me: 'why are you so astonished? I will explain to you the mystery of the woman and of the beast she rides...' (my italics, Revelation 17:7 NIV).

Friday, December 15, 2017


"Central banks are more influential than laws, governments and politicians - but strangely not the focus of the general public" Dagogo Altriade.