Tuesday, October 4, 2016

The Misleading Monetary System

The monetary system can mislead. It can influence people to be inconsiderate, through a number of ways. It can cause extra pressure on young adults, stress on children and parents. It can extremely divide humanity (rich/poor gap). It can allow for disharmonious relationships (desire for "security" and being fashionably accepted through money). It can allow for oppressive law and negative indoctrination (property legalities and other privileges that benefit the rich and punish lower-income earners, causing less rights for the poor and more rights for the rich; plus systemic mind-control put on the young through forced education). It can offer increased rewards for human enslavement (advantage of cheap labour). It can encourage earth-damaging materialism (desire for new, shiny and expensive toys, trendy clothing and consumer-based disposable items that offer convenience). It can allow people to become fatally diseased and sick (no need to walk or run much if you own a vehicle and there are benefits offered to the pharmaceutical industry for increased sales of symptom-masking drugs, that do not cure). It can mislead people into having a mindset for instant gratification and even aloofness. I'm sure there are many more negative ways the monetary system can mislead us, but rather than reconfirm that "the love of money is the root of all evil," let's begin to seriously confront this cruel and brute system. Let's look at sharing ideas alternative to money and ideas of sustainability, and how life and resources emanate from the earth - at no charge to humans. Lets look at ideas such as contributionism (https://www.ubuntuplanet.org/wp/contributionism/). Let's show courage and stand up in lively, thoughtful, consideration for our own: humankind. Even when money is given to help "end poverty," it doesn't seem to be that effective. Corrupt leaders and organizations may not distribute funds fairly. Also, after the money is used up, what is there to look forward to? Another hand out? Rather than rely on money, let's support more human access to land resources and permit and encourage self-sufficiency and sustainable practice.

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